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Empowering Future STEM Leaders at Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools


To kick off the 2024-2025 school year, we unveiled an all-new Pepco STEM lab at the Cesar Chavez Public Charter Schools for Public Policy. This lab will not only open doors for students to explore careers in energy through hands-on learning opportunities, but also pave the way for a brighter future. The STEM lab is just the beginning of our commitment to power local nonprofits and small businesses in the footprint of our Benning Service Center through nearly $1 million in grants and donations.

The Cesar Chavez Public Charter School dedicates itself to preparing students for success in competitive colleges while empowering them with a strong foundation in public policy. The STEM lab, equipped with 3D printers, smartboards, and new laptops, will power students with the opportunity to explore real-world problems and ignite their passion for science, technology, engineering, and math.

This lab is part of our larger initiative to distribute $300,000 to Northeast D.C. nonprofits and schools over the next three years to support community growth and engagement, including the Cesar Chavez Public Charter School, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Washington, Neval Thomas Elementary School and Marshall Heights Community Development Organization. We are also awarding eight grants, totaling $600,000, through our new Energizing Small Business Grants Program to local small businesses that supply fresh produce and food-related products in the area.