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Intern Reflection: Q&A with Isabella Grady

We are committed to fostering the next generation of leaders in the utility industry. Our summer internship program offers students the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, develop professional skills, and build meaningful connections within the company. Through engaging projects and mentorship, our interns are equipped to make significant contributions and grow both personally and professionally.

Isabella Grady, one of our talented summer interns, shared some of her experiences and insights from her time with us.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your background?

A: My name is Isabella Grady. This summer, I have been interning with Pepco’s Reliability Programs department. When I go back to school at the University of Maryland, College Park, where I also happen to be from, I will begin my senior year and complete my double degree in electrical engineering and dance.

Q: How has your experience been interning at Pepco this summer?

A: I have really enjoyed my time interning at Pepco this summer, and I am very grateful to have been a part of a team that was invested in my learning and encouraged my participation by including me in various discussions and projects.

Q: What was the main project you worked on during your internship?

A: The main project I was assigned required that I write URD (Underground Residential Development) Briefs. These briefs involve researching cables with a high failure rate to see if they meet the requirements for repair under the URD program. This enabled me to participate in the scoping phase of possible projects that could result in cable replacement work which would contribute to grid improvements.

Q: What challenges did you face as an intern, and how did you overcome them?

A: I understand that allocating work to an intern can come with its challenges since we may not have a lot of the contextual information, we often have limited experience, and our time interning is relatively short. So, I was grateful to be afforded the opportunity to make contributions by working on projects like the one previously mentioned because I learned a lot about the electrical system, Pepco’s databases, and feeder management along the way.

Q: Were there any other aspects of the intern program that stood out to you?

A: In addition to working within my department, the intern program events were another component that heavily contributed to my positive experience. I really appreciate all the work done to organize the events as I know that they were not a small feat.

Q: What was your favorite event of the summer?

A: One of my favorite events of the summer was the Intern and Executive Meet and Greet that took place at Baltimore Gas and Electric. I had the privilege of meeting Exelon’s CEO, Calvin Butler, as well as hear from other executives that shared their advice on how to navigate school, internships, and careers.

Q: Did you have any opportunities to connect with other interns?

A: Yes, I also enjoyed having the opportunity to get to know interns from other Exelon operating companies as well as engage with interns from my own cohort. In getting to connect with interns, we had an opportunity to speak to our experiences and create new friendships with one another which made my internship all the more fun.