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Newly Proposed Pepco Energy Efficiency Programs to Help Washington D.C. Customers Save Money

Most adult D.C. residents say climate change is affecting their community and support actions to address this risk. Our proposed suite of energy efficiency programs build on existing offerings by the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) to help our customers use even less energy and support greenhouse gas emission reductions in the District and will help the District of Columbia achieve its clean energy and climate goals. Pepco is a critical partner here and helping our customers of all sizes be more energy efficient is a significant component to achieving this goal.

Whether you run a business, faith-based or nonprofit group, rent or own, live in a single-family home or a large apartment building, we’ve proposed programs to help you save money.

We also designed nearly one-third of our proposed offerings to meet the needs of limited income households. This is part of our broader commitment to ensure all customers have fair and equitable access to affordable solutions and the benefits of new energy services.

These tailored programs can benefit you – whether you’re taking the first step to get started or interested in getting connected with deeper energy savings, there are a variety of offerings for any situation.